Training and Simulation

Keeping ahead of the curve and helping organizations sustain a competitive know-how advantage is critical. Knowledge and competency must lead every operation. STS has developed and delivered sophisticated Training and Simulation Services to meet each customer’s unique needs. We provide end to end training services and solutions across many domains to enable our client’s mission success.

Our training specialists design, develop, deliver, and sustain training solutions that ensure efficient and effective learning. All our Training and Simulation Services are designed to maximize best value, mitigate risks, and optimize operational efficiency. That's how we enable mission success in training and simulation.

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To meet the constantly evolving training needs of our clients today, STS provides a state of the art Synthetic Training Solutions which provide an integrated, virtual architecture to support live, virtual, constructive, and gaming environments via one simulated training solution. This end to end solution allows anywhere, anytime training across a range of domains.

  • Live, Virtual, and Constructive Training Systems – STS has the capability and expertise to develop a Live, Virtual Immersive Training Environments customizable to each client’s needs and requirements for mission success. STS already has the capability and experience in providing Computer Based Training, E-Learning Platforms, Home Site Training; Cloud-Based Training; Video Based-Training, and Remote Mentoring.
  • Modeling and Simulation – STS has over 20 years of experience in the modeling and simulation industry. We are dedicated to exploring and developing new and innovative ways to use simulation technology to enhance training to achieve mission success for our clients.
    • Serious Gaming Software – As part of STS’ modeling and simulation capabilities, we have experience developing serious gaming software to support real-world first-person scenario-based training using interactive multimedia and technology.
    • Task Trainers and Peripheral Devices – We have integrated training aids into more complex training programs for enhanced quality of learning and performance capability.  Such training aids include Dummy IED devices, patient simulators, and task/ partial task trainers. Specifically, STS has experience in human patient simulators which act as training aids and are integrated into our virtual training solution providing a robust, real life, immersive training environment.
    • Cyber Simulation – Today, we must manage complex environments that include cyber threats which could have devastating effects on people and systems we depend on for successful operations and achieving mission success. STS provides cyber simulation solutions to provide simulated, scenario-based training to meet our cyber requirements for mission success.

STS has over 20 years’ experience developing and delivering effective, innovative training materials for a variety of complex systems.  STS adheres to best practices in the training industry to include the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) utilizing Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE) model to improve the quality and effectiveness of instruction and to enhance learning.

  • Curriculum Development – To support the wide-ranging needs of our clients, STS employs ISD and ADDIE models to develop best of breed curriculum to meet the specific requirements of the mission at hand.
  • Performance Testing – To support the wide-ranging needs of our clients, STS employs the same ISD and ADDIE models to develop and perform performance testing to meet the specific requirements of the mission at hand.

STS has the full range training capabilities to provide our clients with end to end training services to include: Design and Concept Development, Application Development, Testing, Fielding and Sustainment.  We also retain engineers, designers, subject matter experts, and program managers across disciplines to cultivate specialized training solutions.

  • Staff Augmentation – STS will enhance your team with the people and expertise necessary to provide program management, curriculum management, and sustainment. STS can provide our clients with our unique onboarding and training solution to maximize efficiency in human resources and management.
  • Cross Training and Mentoring Program – STS can provide our clients with seasoned training specialists with expertise developing and implementing cross-training and mentoring and apprenticeship programs designed to maximize the number of personnel with knowledge of complex systems at on-site operational locations worldwide.
  • End to End Training Solutions – STS has the expertise and capabilities to provide our clients with end to end training solutions to include Design and Concept Development, Application Development, Program Management, Testing, Fielding, and Sustainment.

Domains and Clients

The proof is in our consistent performance over two decades of engineering excellence. At STS we know it's not about us, it's about our trusted clients and their demanding operations and missions.